Friday, September 11, 2009

Accents/ Acentos

Entering Spanish Accents Characters on a PC & Mac
To type these characters, hold down the Alt key while pressing the numbers shown on the number keypad of your keyboard. Make sure to use the number keypad to enter the numbers. The keys running across the top of the keyboard will not work. After typing the numbers, release the Alt key and the characters should appear.
é= Alt 130
á= Alt 160
í= Alt 161
ó= Alt 162
ú= Alt 163
ñ= Alt 164
¿= Alt 168
¡= Alt 173
í= Hold down the Option key while pressing the e key. Release the key and then press i.
ó= Hold down the Option key while pressing the e key. Release the key and then press o.

é= Hold down the Option key while pressing the e key. Release the key and then press e.

ñ= Hold down the Option key while pressing the e key. Release the key and then press n.

á= Hold down the Option key while pressing the e key. Release the key and then press a.

ú= Hold down the Option key while pressing the e key. Release the key and then press u.

¿= Hold down the Option key while pressing the e key. Release the key and then press ?.

¡= Hold down the Option key while pressing the e key. Release the key and then press !

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Español 1A & 2B homework

Español 1A
Great week!!! Gracias estudiantes es una clase magnífica. Don't forget to bring your poem and book cover for Friday's first oral presentation (09/11/09). You will only need to read 3 sentences and point at the pictures in your poem during your presentation. Bring your audiocassette el lunes with your name, anmd finish the "Vocabulario para ayudarte worksheet".
Español 2A
Gracias estudiantes!! Muy buenas clases este trimestre. Don't forget to bring by el viernes los papeles del silabo y el laboratorio de lenguas signed.
We will start the review presentations on Monday 14th.
- Lunes: Grupos 1 y 2
- Martes: Grupos 3 y 4
- Miércoles: Grupos 5-6
También, sign up for the "¿Quién soy yo?" assignment. Calendars for each periods are in the classroom, and 3 students should present per day.
HW: Para el lunes do the 2 paragraph essay example, and group presentations begin. Be ready to take notes!!!
~Profesora Revilla-Harker

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Bienvenidos al blog de la clase de Español 1A y Español 2A del año 09-10 del 1er trimestre.
Important Links:
These following websites will help you learn and practice Español.
Grammar tutorial
Ciber Centro (Links to Spanish Speaking Countries)
Verb conjugations and practice tests
Heritage SpeakersHomework (help for all students)Super Spanish Web Sites