Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I was sick last week, so we had to change something for this week.
Español 1A
We are working in Chapter 2 in the book. The homework for the week in the red workbook:
Monday: p. 19-20 Tuesday p. 21-22, Wednesday p. 23-24, Thursday Study for Chapter 2 test on Friday.
Don't forget to study chapter 2.
Español 2A
We are working in vocabulario 2.1- Oficios y profesiones in the "Exprésate 2 book". Today we started Direct Object Pronoun. The homework for the week is:
Monday: Profesiones y oficios worksheet/Aspectos positivos y negativos, Tuesday "Direct Object Pronoun" packet p. 56-59, Wednesday in the blue workbook "Cuaderno de vocabulario y gramática" p. 12-13, Thursday in the blue workbook p. 14-15. Please don't forget to study vocabulario 2.1 and direct object pronouns for Fridays test. The cultura proyect is due: Nov. 16