Thursday, November 12, 2009

Español 1A

We will be working this week and next week in vocabulario 3.2 in your book, verb querer, and the weather.
Homework from workbook 11/12 pages 31-33, and finish translation the oral final questions for Monday 11/16.
Final oral test starting Wednesday 11/18/09
Final writing test Monday 11/21/09

Español 2A

We worked and we will be working this week and next week in vocabulario 2.2, the past test "Pretérito", Ser & Estar, Ser with nationalities, Conocer & Saber, and expressions with the infinitive. Tomorrow 11/13/09 we will have a quiz in vocabulario 2.2 and regular past ending, and the irregular verbs "Hacer & Ir" in the past.
The students got the final oral handout today, and they will have to work during the weekend.
Final oral test starts on Tuesday 11/17/09
Classpack computer reading test will be Thursday 11/19/09
Final writing test Period 3 Tuesday 11/24/09, Period 4 & 5 11/25/09
HW: 11/09/09 pages 19-20 in the workbook and 11/10/10 pages 21 & 24