Tuesday, August 10, 2010


My name is Sandra Revilla-Harker, and I am available for tutoring all levels of Spanish, including immersion, and AP. If you need extra help or want to improve your performance in your class, I believe I can help. Also, I can make Spanish fun, and academic at the same time.

I am a native Spanish speaker from Peru, with a Master in Teaching from University of Portland, licensed teacher in
Spanish and Math, and experienced teacher and tutor. I have excellent references, and I am very familiar with curriculum from Scripps Ranch Schools.

My tutoring experience includes various levels and locations, including students from Portland and the Bay Area, etc. I had moved recently to San Diego, but I am available to tutor any time in the afternoons or weekends.

Feel free to email me or call me if you have any questions.

Sandra Revilla-Harker


Bienvenidos al blog de la clase profesora Revilla-Harker
Important Links:
These following websites will help you learn and practice Español.
Grammar tutorial http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/index.php
Ciber Centro (Links to Spanish Speaking Countries)
Verb conjugations and practice tests
Heritage SpeakersHomework (help for all students)Super Spanish Web Sites

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Español 2B
We review in class el pretérito/ reflexive pretérito/ irregulares Hacer & IR/ stem changers in the past.
In class essay DUE: 11 de diciembre/viernes with two peer edit. First draft with peer edit notes, and final draft all together.
2B In-class Writing Activity (Repaso de Español 2A)
Write a 3 paragraph essay en español (5 sentences each) using the Preterite/Past tense, past tense vocabulary. be sure to use different subject pronouns (yo, él/ella, nosotors, ellos/ellas).
- 1st Paragraph: Use reflexives verbs and vocabulary to talk about the daily routines from last trimester of the people with whom you live including yourself.
- 2nd Paragraph: Use Household chores and rooms/furniture vocabulary to talk about what you and others were responsible for last trimester.
- 3rd paragraph: Use professions vocabulary to talk about what different people you know did for their jobs last trimester.
Peer edit:
1. 3 paragraphs
2. 5 sentences each paragraphs
3. 15 different verbs in the preterit.
Next miércoles examen del prertérito regular, stem changers, reflexives & irregular Hacer and IR.
Friday: Carroling en español!!!!

Español 4
Tarea y temas:
Lunes: Crucigrama/ Repaso del pretérito y el imperfecto
Martes: Pobre Paco-Imperfecto
Miércoles: No hay tarea
Jueves: La idea de la semana y traer 10 fotos en acción para el proyecto de cuadros de familia.

Anuncio importante: I will be in maternity leave starting January 4th to April 2nd. We have a wonderful substitute Mary Olsen. Coming soon her profile, so you can meet her.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Español 4:
We reviewed Ser & Estar, and students turn in their first "Idea de la semana". Don't forget to turn in your language lab sing. Monday we will have the Seasons debate (Students have their group). Monday bring any notes or old notebooks about the "Pretérito y el imperfecto".
Español 2B:
Last Thursday's tarea were the DOP senteces and the silabo sing. La tarea para el lunes es to finish the Repaso packet and the reading 'Bailo con un bulto". The students have a vocabulario and they should read scene by scene on the reading, and do a summary by scenes in inglés. All these due lunes.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bienvenidos a la clase de Español 4. Por favor lee el silabo y también trae para el viernes el papel firmado del laboratorio de lenguas.
No te olvides de la idea de la semana este viernes 4 de diciembre.
Visita mis páginas web para practicar y recordar tu Español.

Español 2A
Bienvenidos a la clase y recuerda traer siempre tu libro contigo. Hoy miércoles tenemos un "Pre-test". Welcome to the clase and remember to bring your book with you. Today Wednesday we will have a Pre-test and I will give also the syllabus.
Practice your Spanish using my website links.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Español 1A

We will be working this week and next week in vocabulario 3.2 in your book, verb querer, and the weather.
Homework from workbook 11/12 pages 31-33, and finish translation the oral final questions for Monday 11/16.
Final oral test starting Wednesday 11/18/09
Final writing test Monday 11/21/09

Español 2A

We worked and we will be working this week and next week in vocabulario 2.2, the past test "Pretérito", Ser & Estar, Ser with nationalities, Conocer & Saber, and expressions with the infinitive. Tomorrow 11/13/09 we will have a quiz in vocabulario 2.2 and regular past ending, and the irregular verbs "Hacer & Ir" in the past.
The students got the final oral handout today, and they will have to work during the weekend.
Final oral test starts on Tuesday 11/17/09
Classpack computer reading test will be Thursday 11/19/09
Final writing test Period 3 Tuesday 11/24/09, Period 4 & 5 11/25/09
HW: 11/09/09 pages 19-20 in the workbook and 11/10/10 pages 21 & 24

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Español 1A
We are working in Chapter 3. HW for last martes: p.25 workbook/miércoles: pgs. 26-28 workbook/jueves: pgs. 29-30 and verbs vocabulary quiz for lunes 9 de noviembre. Next week we will be studing the verbs: Querer= to want, Gustar=to like, Jugar=to play, and IR=to go.

Español 2A
We learn this week "The Indirect Object Pronouns"(IOP), review Saber y Conocer= to know, review nationalities and the verb ser. We are in Chapter 2 in the book.
The homework for lunes 9 de noviembre es workbook pgs. 16-18. Today is the food vocabulary test and IOP.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I was sick last week, so we had to change something for this week.
Español 1A
We are working in Chapter 2 in the book. The homework for the week in the red workbook:
Monday: p. 19-20 Tuesday p. 21-22, Wednesday p. 23-24, Thursday Study for Chapter 2 test on Friday.
Don't forget to study chapter 2.
Español 2A
We are working in vocabulario 2.1- Oficios y profesiones in the "Exprésate 2 book". Today we started Direct Object Pronoun. The homework for the week is:
Monday: Profesiones y oficios worksheet/Aspectos positivos y negativos, Tuesday "Direct Object Pronoun" packet p. 56-59, Wednesday in the blue workbook "Cuaderno de vocabulario y gramática" p. 12-13, Thursday in the blue workbook p. 14-15. Please don't forget to study vocabulario 2.1 and direct object pronouns for Fridays test. The cultura proyect is due: Nov. 16