Thursday, December 10, 2009

Español 2B
We review in class el pretérito/ reflexive pretérito/ irregulares Hacer & IR/ stem changers in the past.
In class essay DUE: 11 de diciembre/viernes with two peer edit. First draft with peer edit notes, and final draft all together.
2B In-class Writing Activity (Repaso de Español 2A)
Write a 3 paragraph essay en español (5 sentences each) using the Preterite/Past tense, past tense vocabulary. be sure to use different subject pronouns (yo, él/ella, nosotors, ellos/ellas).
- 1st Paragraph: Use reflexives verbs and vocabulary to talk about the daily routines from last trimester of the people with whom you live including yourself.
- 2nd Paragraph: Use Household chores and rooms/furniture vocabulary to talk about what you and others were responsible for last trimester.
- 3rd paragraph: Use professions vocabulary to talk about what different people you know did for their jobs last trimester.
Peer edit:
1. 3 paragraphs
2. 5 sentences each paragraphs
3. 15 different verbs in the preterit.
Next miércoles examen del prertérito regular, stem changers, reflexives & irregular Hacer and IR.
Friday: Carroling en español!!!!

Español 4
Tarea y temas:
Lunes: Crucigrama/ Repaso del pretérito y el imperfecto
Martes: Pobre Paco-Imperfecto
Miércoles: No hay tarea
Jueves: La idea de la semana y traer 10 fotos en acción para el proyecto de cuadros de familia.

Anuncio importante: I will be in maternity leave starting January 4th to April 2nd. We have a wonderful substitute Mary Olsen. Coming soon her profile, so you can meet her.

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